From the desk of a New BNI Entrant

It was a normal day and I was busy with client meetings and work as usual. My buddy Vandana who is in Florida, pinged me to ask if anyone could help her mom with the ticket booking to Florida. I had given her a disclaimer that every time she needs something for herself or her parents in India she must check with me. I referred Sujith Sunny from our chapter who could help her with the tickets. She got in touch with him and I could see both of them were upbeat. Vandana,since the whole process was extremely hassle free. Sujith since, she was the only customer who had asked him what his service charges were. Also she was very clear about the tickets and the flights and the route that she wanted. Since the parents would be away travelling, they needed a Security system at home - none other than Vasanth from Safe Hands. So he got a referral too, the couple had a detailed conversation from USA to understand what everything meant. None of the other providers had given such deta...