Monday Musings - The Wall

Over the last several years, I have found it difficult to make new friends. Sometimes I wonder if I have become emotionless and if eventually I will become friendless!! Its been over a decade since anyone became a cherished person or a confidante to me. I am known to be someone who keeps only a closed circle of friends and someone who appears talkative and an extrovert, yet deep within is a wall of defense that I appear to have built for myself. I see it, I feel it many a time in my smile, in the super superficial conversations that I can keep up with a few. I am assuming that I am not lonely in this journey, fact being that I am choosing to write about it while many probably talk about it or just let it be. WHY THE WALL I guess it happens as a survival instinct, you sort of build an invisible wall around, a barricade which ensures that not many emotions & people reach the "heart"! That little voice which kind of cautions you to stay away. It is the war...