The Law Of Attraction

There is truth in the "Law Of Attraction" !! Oh well, I am not really talking about the ones that make your hormones go awry but about the way each one of us attracts events, people and situations in our lives. Will save the one on "hormones" for the next blog! . To illustrate a few examples My children (one six months and the other 20 months) were unwell and I was at my wits end managing the tiny tots who hadn't eaten in two days. I was tired too. Home remedies (courtesy wisdom from the elders) showed gradual results but the fatigued mother in me wanted quick fixes. The mandatory visit to the doctor and the obligatory "dakshina" seemed to be the guaranteed way. I shared this conversation with a friend and he told me - that this was all in my mind and I could well ensure that my child recovered without the "mandatory" visit to the doctor. I argued and insisted he prove it to me. That marked the beginning ...