The Law Of Attraction

There is truth in the "Law Of Attraction" !! 

Oh well, I am not really talking about the ones that make your hormones go awry but about the way each one of us attracts events, people and situations in our lives.
Will save the one on "hormones" for the next blog!
To illustrate a few examples

My children (one six months and the other 20 months) were unwell and I was at my wits end managing the tiny tots who hadn't eaten in two days. 

I was tired too. Home remedies (courtesy wisdom from the elders) showed gradual results but the fatigued mother in me wanted quick fixes. 

The mandatory visit to the doctor and the obligatory "dakshina" seemed to be the guaranteed way.

I shared this conversation with a friend and he told me - that this was all in my mind and I could well ensure that my child recovered without the "mandatory" visit to the doctor. 

I argued and insisted he prove it to me. 

That marked the beginning of a conversation that still empowers me in everything that I do.

I realized that right from when I was a child I hated visiting a doctor. I disliked medicines , and that is what continued to be my reality, even when my children were born.

There were some people in my life that I did not like, and try as much, I could never be away from them. 

If i walked into an exam fearing that the part I did not prepare for would be a critical question, it indeed was there on the question paper.

There was such an exaggerated conversation about what I did not want in my mind, and that is exactly what materialized all the time. 

The learning I got was that -   The more I resist something, the more it persists. 

I cruised back to my college days, when I would have prepared for a few questions really well, and prayed that they appeared in the final exams, and they did. 

I thought about the times when I remembered a friend or a cousin and by some magic they either called or came home..

I secretly wanted my own bike, and to my surprise my dad got me one the moment I turned 16, it was exactly the black Kinetic Honda that I had been dreaming about.

I wanted to see my name in print and it happened almost instantly!

The lesson :  Dream, imagine and visualize

Hmm, interesting but I found myself going back to several dreams that did not manifest..  

I wanted to be a topper in class. It did not happen, ever. 

I have been visualizing a solo holiday for the last 5 years, I continue to dream about it even today !

A new sleek red car, with the stylish me driving it is another dream...

Well, these are wishes of mine yet to become apparent, for what is missing is the belief in me that they will happen.  To make it simple, I believed I was good at studies but also that I was not made of topper material. 

I dream of a solo vacation, but don't believe I can let go of my children and go away.

I dream of my new red car, but believe that right now I don't really need it, and as a result of my disbelief in my dreams they do not manifest as quickly as the the ones that I believe in.

The Lesson - Believe in your dream - right from the bottom of your heart! and yes even logic defying dreams come true- often!

All of this and more takes me back to the conversation with my friend and about the law of attraction .
Simply put, you will end up meeting the person you don’t want to, going to a party that you don’t want to, doing things that you don’t want to. The contradiction is also powerful and true for when you really wanted and craved for something you may have just got that as well.

Looked up google and this is what I found 

"The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life".

If you wish to  learn more about the mystery behind the law of attraction and bring alive your dreams..

Read the book "The Secret"- Rhonda Bryne or 

*P.S the video link opens only in India


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