Quick Fix

Speaking to myself, while rummaging my waaaadrobe , I felt that I needed some really good clothes to wear to office, on my walk, when I stepped out within the locality, when I went out with my family, when I stepped out to the grocery store, when I travelled, when I went jogging, when I slept and blah blah blah blah…. That’s when the saga started. If I did buy new clothes, I would need shoes too! It didn’t matter that I could no longer remember the number of shoes I owned ! I looked confused as I mumbled to myself, making a mental list of what I thought I needed. My little one looked at my confusion and asked me, what I was thinking? I told him Amma wants to buy new clothes. He looked at me plainly and asked, why amma, you don’t have clothes is it? That triggered my thoughts.. I did have enough clothes, but I felt now that they weren't good enough! ( few were either tight or loose or some were out of fashion) D...