Musings of a Mother - Sports

5:20 am : A Cold Sunday Morning. No alarm, yet the mind's alarm wakes me up on the dot, without fail every Sunday. I look at the boys, fast asleep. Mommy in me feels like letting them sleep for a few minutes more. I go to them and whisper, hey do you want to sleep in today or go for your football/cricket classes? The answer with sleepy eyes is YES AMMA,we will go to the ground.. The tone for the day is set with the enthusiasm the children have. 6:00 am The boys are ready in their uniforms, spic white for cricket and red for football. We still have 15 minutes so we decide to cycle to the ground for their sports practice. It is cold and nice, I enjoy the speckle of sunlight and the morning dew. Traffic is sparse with just the few newspaper boys and milkmen all cloaked up. To me chaperoning the boys for their respective classes is no chore. It is JOY. Unmatched and unparalleled. 6:15 am The venue is a burst of energy. Effervescent, ebullient, bubbly,e...