Find Yourself

Life with all its events and elements can leave you feeling overwhelmed and burdened - several times.

Many a time, we get lost in this fast paced choatic life with its myriad aspects, and that is the time to reintroduce you to yourself and appreciate your life.

In the recent few weeks,inundated is how I have been feeling with the innumerable things that I am doing.

Being an entrepreuneur, in ways more than one, being Mommy, daughter, daughter in law,sister, friend, soulmate,wife and most importantly the "Taxi Driver"!!

There appears to be so much on my schedule and plate that I do feel like taking another sojourn to the Himalayas.The thought of being away from routine and normalcy was alluring, however not real or feasible at the same time.

Taking flight or running away seems to be the best answer and I am doubtless that we all do indulge in it in our own special ways. 

Since the option of ambling away from my everyday was unavailable to me, I started exploring what were the other things that would help me.

I am guilty of retail therapy at times, my friend does a spa outing, another goes for a movie, some of them travel, some paint, few make jewellery and so on.

So I sat down thinking I would do something that relaxed me.To my consternation, I did find a chunk of things that I love and would take away my mind from the flux it was going through.

Driving, reading a book, writing my blog, going on my walk, talking to a girl friend, going to the library, sitting in silence, cooking, baking,going to the temple are a few that I can think of.

For all of us in this mad mad world, I am sure there are activities that could calm you and help you find yourself when in a space of pandemonium.

It is indeed about finding yourself and doing the things that you love, that will mitigate the bedlam in your mind.

It not about imitating or trying to fit in or doing something just for the sake of doing it. If I were to follow someone else who liked crowds and malls, I would come away feeling worse than before, for that is just not me.

Find Yourself, Make a manifest of that you would love to do in this lifetime. It could be anything at all.

Here is my lineup of things that I  yearn to engage in ( am sure there will be more to this)

  1. A few more treks up the Himalayas (Leh Ladakh,Nepal,Bhutan) am smiling already!๐ŸŒ„
  2. Yellowstone National Park , Yosemite National Park in USA๐ŸŒŽ
  3. Switzerland and Paris
  4. Brazil and the untouched forests of South America
  5. The Pyramids of Egypt
  6. Safari in Kenya and the Masai Mara
  7. Participate in a Car Rally (Probably comes easy with 2 decades of driving)!
  8. Girls only outing/vacation with a few of my best buddies
  9. Recognition for entrepreneurship 
  10. Camping outdoors with my boys
  11. Wearing heels of 5" or more๐Ÿ‘ 
  12. Red Lipstick ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ‘€
  13. Zipping around in my SUV (Red)
  14. A Fossil watch ( Rolex isnt my type you see๐Ÿ˜‡)
  15. Learn to swim๐ŸŠ
  16. Start my own fashion label
  17. Write a few bestseller books and make tons of money$$
  18. Vacation for my Ma and Pa
  19. Get back to college and act like I am 16๐Ÿ‘ง
  20. Start an enterprise to help the ultrasmart children tap into their potential and interest
  21. Wake up to having slept enough and not an ALARMMMMMM!( Mommies I know you are with me on this)๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค
  22. Become someone famous and sign autographs๐Ÿ™Œ
  23. Run a homestay nestled away from the urban landscape and meet different kinds of people๐Ÿ’’
And as I list the catalog of my life that I want to fill up, the discord of having too much to do slips into oblivion, am cheerful about having done myriad things that gave me pure joy and have been ticked off my agenda already.

We may complete a few and many may still remain on the list, but if you found yourself in the few things you did,that says it all.

Dream up your list,share it, live it and FIND YOURSELF.


  1. Lovely writing Sumana,I guess most of us at some point think of doing at least a few you have listed...I would for sure๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰


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