Eventful? Unexpected?

My blog page is called "eventful" ! I have always believed that life has a way of serving up the most unforeseen twists and turns in contradiction to what you normally plan. Although I would like to believe that I am adaptable to such uncertainties, I think now, maybe I am not! Becoming an entrepreneur teaches you a lot of lessons. The plusses and the adrenalin rush that you experience when you Even if I were to blow my own trumpet, now I think vainly so... I always thought I was not change resistant, I could improvise at the last minute, manage myself and manage any situation and every other thing that made me believe I was like the flexible reed ready to bend and bow. The last few months have been a path of one self discovery after another. What have I learned about myself in those months? Some ideas in my mind are so strongly embedded, that I would rather hold on to them than let go! Anything that is done in haste without deliberation can...