Eventful? Unexpected?

My blog page is called "eventful" ! I have always believed that life has a way of serving up the most unforeseen twists and turns in contradiction to what you normally plan. Although I would like to believe that I am adaptable to such uncertainties, I think now, maybe I am not!

Becoming an entrepreneur teaches you a lot of lessons.  The plusses and the adrenalin rush that you experience when you 

Even if I were to blow my own trumpet, now I think vainly so... I always thought I was not change resistant, I could improvise at the last minute, manage myself and manage any situation and every other thing that made me believe I was like the flexible reed ready to bend and bow.

The last few months have been a path of one self discovery after another. What have I learned about myself in those months?

Some ideas in my mind are so strongly embedded, that I would rather hold on to them than let go! 

Anything that is done in haste without deliberation can backfire on you. Bigtime! I have been too quick and hasty in judging people and probably lost a couple of wonderful friendships by now. All because I judged too soon, I hurt too soon or I simply gave up too soon.

I recently took a call to give up the comforts of my stable,secure, cushy foreign government job to start a company with a trusted business partner. 
I know that I definitely trust myself and my business partner and the model we have envisioned for the company.
I also believe that in our quest to make a positive difference to people's lives, we will make our fair share of Vitamin M too. Yet there are times when "Anxiety" rules and spreads its menacing tentacles around, keeping me in its stronghold and deterring me from moving forward.

When my 6 year old son talks about growing up to be a comedian having his shows across UK, USA and Japan, my heart bulges with pride and I tell him, you can be whatever you want, keep your dreams alive. Yet I find myself saying to him, hey you what you still need to study and get good marks (80% and above)!

My 8 year old devours books, and is a pro at computers and all things technical, I swell with pride again, though when his handwriting lags, I tend to question his interest in studying!

All of this and more is dictated by "Anxiety". What I find difficult is sometimes letting go of the anxiety of the uncertainty that dictates, beyond us all. 

Sometimes there is no logic to that feeling, sometimes I quieten it, sometimes I bear no control over it and then it nightmarishly magnifies into a gigantic monster. Many a time I become the monster in the situation.

We tend to live in this perception of the quintessential life, a life of perfection until we learn to let go and then the real picture manifests, sometimes to our pride and happiness and sometimes to our disappointments and displeasure. 

Either way,life will go on, events are bound to happen, you will make mistakes, you will be caught off guard and there will be lows and highs.

What is due to you will certainly be yours, when it is meant to be. Try swimming against the tide and you will see that the effort only drains you while you remain at where you started or further away still.


  1. It is indeed unexpected! But as you say sum ppl who loves you will always be there for you. And anxiety and some old traditions are hard to shake off, but we are strong women, we will get around it.

  2. Admiring your authenticity and transparency... Holding you with love


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