Rains of wisdom!

I jogged today, by the lake which is one of my favorite places, where thoughts accompany me more than anyone else. That bliss and solitude of being able to be one with nature whilst soaking in several reflections is a space I treasure. The weather was pleasant and I could hear the thundering clouds, the breeze was refreshing and it was a relief to be out from the scorching heat that Bangalore has been subject to in the last few months. The heavens opened up and there was a big downpour, there were few people walking and everyone scurried for shelter on the tank bund. Few found trees, while few cut short their walk, some more chose to run, the children playing cricket dashed right out of the park. The rain lashed out and got heavier, I could not see much, the ground below my feet was all slippery and slushy, the jog however was enjoyable and the rain seemed to be watering away all my troubles. The reflective thoughts in me turned to enjoyment, of just the ecstasy of lettin...