As you like it
Three boxes piled on top of the other. The one on the top was full and overflowing. There was so much stuff in, it spilling out, dribbling over making it appear quite messy.
The boxes at the bottom were seen struggling to stay in
shape. Attempting to move up and show them to the world. The second and third
box yearned to get to the top and share with the world what they stocked. The sludge from the top obscuring the other
two boxes.
The box on top seemed to be breeding resentment. This was
the box with all the emotions that we do not want. Of Hurt, of disappointment,
of frustration, of anger, of bitterness, of anxiety, of grieving, of giving up,
of being unhappy, of feeling lonely.
The causes for these seemed many
I want my spouse to like and love all my friends, even though
I don’t like the friends on the other side
I want my partner to read and understand all my innermost
thoughts and make me happy, the way I would want it to be
I demand that I be given undivided attention from my spouse
for 15 minutes everyday
I want my parents to call and speak to me every day, so what
if I don’t call them since I am "busy"
I want my parents to support every decision I make, no
matter how insane it seems
I want my best friend to listen to and accept whatever I say,
after all I am probably the best well-wisher my friend would get
I want my friend to be there for me, so what if I whine and
complain all the time
I want my in laws to understand me and accept me for what I
am, so what if I think that they need to change and get more modern
I want help at home in the domestic chores, after all I also
slog it out all the time
I want my date to pay all the bills when we are dating
I want my sibling to stop squabbling with me
I want my boss to understand that deadlines cannot always be
At work I want that “leave” and permissions be granted
without any questions being asked, since I am “sincere” aren’t I?
I want that every single year, my appraisals rate me as the
star performer
I want my children to be angels, especially when I am super
I insist that my children are the best and most well behaved
and every
teacher/coach/neighbor/uncle/aunt/everyone must praise them for all
their virtues including the ones bordering misdemeanor!
This “want” list is endless. How about calling them Expectations?
Expectations that may tend to leave us exasperated when unmet.
Expectations that may tend to leave us exasperated when unmet.
That is the box on top, overpowering the others.
The presumptions that cause the biggest interruptions that confine us
from enjoying the beautiful boxes of “Love and Gratitude”.
It always is - As you like it!
What expectation are you
willing to “Let Go” today, in pursuit of the “Love” and “Gratitude” that you
could experience for letting it go.
Do share with me, some of your thoughts feelings, expectations and what
you did let go!
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