The Greys..

Different thoughts and different hues, after a brief encounter with the blacks and whites, it seemed logical to write about the greys

Grey is the color of the clouds that bring the much awaited rains and a rainbow perhaps..

Grey is the result of the overlap of the black and white, the good and bad and so many feelings and things that can really never be defined.

Grey is that feeling, when you are a little lost and a little low.. When the unknown beckons, yet the comfort of the known calls out..

Go back to some of those moments you yourself had – be it at work, friends, finding love, buying a home, relocating, picking up a new job , separating from a loved one, falling in love all over again…

For the working mother who yearns to spend more time with her child, for the stay at home mom, who dreams of getting back to work..

For the man, who is caught between building a business of his own and getting back to the security of a salaried engagement..

Every time that you were caught between two extremes and were in a state of dilemma.., Every time that you had to make a choice and could not figure out..

Ever made a mistake? How do you feel?  Is there something like being a little guilty as compared to being guilty or not guilty at all?!!

Is there something like I am a teetotaler on all days except Monday? Or I smoke once a week, hence am neither a smoker nor a non smoker?!

I was dishonest, but that’s ok because the situation made me so and this occurs rarely!!!

How about this – When you are the perpetrator of a crime, you feel that, of course life can be grey, but when you are the victim it’s just so easy to be black or white!

Ever encountered people who say Maybe, perhaps, will try, 99%, probably, I guess so, could be, might be, let me check, in case etc etc and keep you guessing till the very end..( I am also prone to the use of these words, when I am unsure!)

How many of us use “Silence” as a way to get away with things, feelings, conflicts, uncomfortable situations? Again is that not a grey realm?

Taking the in between stance or moderation is then just an excuse that helps you justify the devil in you.

Life does have a shade of grey in it. Confront the ghosts and phantoms of your mind. Challenge yourself and keep them alive, avoid seeking instant answers. And remember it is completely OK to feel the way you feel.

There could be bliss in uncertainty. It could well be a perspective or a phase that eventually moves you into clarity.

And so to end – Again To Each their own…until next week, do write back with some of the grey areas of your life..


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