Adding perspective
I posted my blog on turned tables or unsolicited advice yesterday
and felt incomplete about it.
Was privy to a few discussions with family and friends, did
get some opinions.
Made me contemplate deeper.
Sometimes you are indeed a referral point to a dear one, and
when they reach out to you for your opinion or advice, you could make it
genuine. While you cannot decide for them, you could help by sharing your point
of view.
Being rude or retaliating back can have its own repercussions
of bringing ruin or misunderstanding to a lovely relationship
Being polite and nodding your head every time can leave you
feeling extremely irritated and discontent. Of course the fact that you
compromised will show up its ugly head in some other conversation
There could be few relationships where saying no becomes
difficult. Maybe with the in laws, the spouse
could be a boss or a superior at work and even a parent.
Constantly ignoring advice could make the person giving it
feel undervalued
There are times when we think we KNOW IT ALL. Hence we tend
to rebel against any advice provided to us.
There could be virtue in receiving advice too. For me when it comes to my mother or my husband or a trusted friend, there are times I just
follow it without questions. And yes it has worked.
In all of this what I can see is that unsolicited advice,
opinions, perspectives do play out in relationships and may cause distances
between people. Sometimes temporary, sometimes permanent.
Of course the tables turn, when you seek out counsel
voluntarily and that could lead to strengthening the bond and love. You feel
overjoyed that following sought after advice worked well.
My own experience says Be Genuine . If you are not okay with
something, then say it, help the other side understand your view too. It is no
easy thing to do. The first few times are the most difficult. We may be so used
to confirming with people, that it is the most natural answer. And we do
confirm, even the little voice inside is saying NO! Standing up for yourself does
take time, especially if you are not used to it, but every step does make you
feel better and more respected.
Eventually you will see that people appreciate how genuine
you are. You feel respected .Only you can make yourself feel that way.This
respect brings in more contentment in everything that you do.
My mind is replaying out many of these situations for me as I write. In some I wish I had stood up for myself, in few realizing that it was indeed the best way.
Take the interlude to understand how you felt at any such situation and how it affected you. What is it that you want to do about it and how would you deal with it next time.
“I think the reward for conformity is that
everyone likes you except yourself.” ― Rita
Mae Brown
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