Friends Forever

The year was 1999 and three thickest and thinnest of friends (oh yes - they indeed looked a tad malnutrition-ed!) were together. They had quite a history dating back to over 5 full years. Inseparable!  They seemed like triplets living in 3 different houses. Sanvi, Jaya and Maya, were rarely seen without the other.

Of the three, Sanvi and Jaya were like peas in a pod indeed. You would never see one without the other. To most outsiders, they were like sisters. Exchanging clothes, talking for hours on the landline was everyday routine. Walking together meant escorting the other over and over again, until one of the parents said that was “enough”. Talking about the “guys” on the block, the crushes, who liked whom, who was following whom? Even other common friends could not get time and space with them separately. If that did happen, one of them would be enraged with envy.

It seemed like nothing could really bring these two apart for even a short period of time. They had lived the last five years in this pleasantry. But all good things must come to an end.

It was an ordinary day. The plan was to study together since exams were fast approaching. The last minute scramble for notes, old question papers, tips from the seniors was on. The three of them gathered at Maya’s home to study.

A couple of hours passed peacefully and suddenly all hell broke loose. Tempers flew, there was a barrage of angry words and water flew as well. Jaya had just poured water on Sanvi!!! Oh My God that was as good as pouring water on the inseparable bond these two had. Yes Sanvi was upset, angry and in no frame of mind to let go or pardon.

Maya the innocent bystander was shocked to see two of her best friends at the verge of shattering their friendship. And the undercurrents were so forceful that she could do nothing about it. Disenchanted Maya was crestfallen and withdrew from the skirmish. She stepped out looking for peace and wanting to be away from the scene.

An hour later she walked in to be greeted by the sight of Sanvi and Jaya all laughing away absurdly! Turns out that Sanvi was mighty offended at the fact that Jaya splashed water on her and after the torrential fight, it was indeed Jaya who decided that the only way to appease Sanvi was to get drenched herself. Hence she stomped into the bathroom and voluntarily poured a bucket of water on herself too!! That did it. To Sanvi this was act was an eye opener and she let go of her anger and ego instantly. Then began the Water Fight game!

Soaking wet, they were both giggling at how silly they had been and how it almost ended their friendship. Well just about almost. All well that ends well. 

Of course Maya being Maya went about cleaning and mopping up the floors since they had indeed made it messy. She was just happy that she had both her friends back!

Today two decades on and Maya, Jaya and Sanvi remain well connected although living across three different continents and time zones of the world. Sharing their daily lives, laughs, recipes, worries rants and what not.

If you have had a friend or friends who stood by you and shared your tears, anger, enemies and everything else but not the boyfriend!!

Who laughed at you at the silly guy you had a crush on,

Who shared your clothes and never gave them back, instead lent your clothes to others too!!

Who always wished you at midnight on your birthday

Who could wake you up at 2.00 am just to check if you were sleeping

Who could be ravenous at midnight and eat oranges and potato chips aarrghh!!

Who cut a watermelon with a candle since they did not have money for your birthday cake

Who got jealous when you got close to other friends

Who ate the cone, while you ate the ice cream

Who sang songs with you while riding your bike in the rain

Who hated the lecturer when you were punished

Who made prank calls to the guys at odd hours from your landline

Who spent hours together canvassing for you for the college elections

With whom you fought endlessly but the love always remained

Whom your parents trusted completely

Who protected you, walked with you, was always there for you, is there for you, will be there for you.

For with a soul friend of this kind, there is indeed no space nor time or distance that matters. Even if you meet after a decade, you just begin where you left off!

Celebrate your friends, for you loved them yesterday, love them still, always have and always will.

And yes – don’t wait for a friendship day to revel in it. Do it now!

Drop in a mail sharing some of the craziest things you have done with your friends on


  1. I can see so many glimpses of our childhood here, Su :)

  2. 💕 what must I say these friends must be so special to u and u to them 💕🥰


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