Like-Able You? The turnaround..

Blithe and released is how she felt.

Parvathi had taken the plunge indeed. Given in to her recondite wish. Succumbed to passion.

Pristine beaches of Goa were close to her heart. The torrential rain did not hamper her spirits.

She sat by the window of her modest accommodation and reveled in the beauty of nature.

Dark grey clouds offered the perfect ambiance to reflect her somber mood.
She looked at the beach and saw a lone man walking up with the surfboard in his arms. Afar he looked like an answer to her dreams. There was something about this young man that drew her to him. She felt a strange feeling of connection and knew she had to reach out. 
Her eyes took notice of him completely. As he approached closer, she stared at his muscular jaw, the broad shoulders and his tanned body.  Her instinct told her to get out and speak to him, but the mind won and she remained just where she was, peeking at him like a smitten adolescent child.

The night was event less and Parvathi  lulled herself into falling asleep with the ennui of watching mundane television shows.

Morning after was spent, staring through the window wistfully looking at the beach to catch sight of the handsome man that she saw yesterday. A few more days of such waiting and she gave up.

Then on the day that she intended to pack up and get back home, she bumped into him at breakfast. Her eyes followed every movement of his and watched him pick up a bowl of cornflakes for himself. Her heart skipped a beat and she  choked on her toast when he said to her in his husky voice “ Miss may I sit next to you”

The rest was history, it was a connect. She could feel his breath and his warmth around her and found it  hard to keep her composure. As they got chatting they realized they immensely enjoyed the companionship they shared.

The two of them spent every  moment together, talking, laughing, delighted with the easy rapport they shared.

Zulfi shared his love to  explore the unexplored seafront, she felt herself magnetically drawn to him.

As they rode the scooter, she hugged him tight and wished that these moments would last forever.

They decided to spend the night exploring the untouched beaches of Goa. Zulfi seemed to know every nook and cranny of the lonesome beaches.
She stood on the isle of rocks adrift in her thoughts as the breeze gently caressed her tresses. She felt Zulfi wrap his arms around her. She found herself yielding to the warmth. He wanted her and she craved for him at that very instant. There was no stopping them or the passion that they felt. They made out near the waterfront and up on the rocks finally climaxing on the beach. A memorable night.

As she lay there all spent, suddenly her insides clawed up making her want to throw up. She ran to the water and retched completely, a sense of relief filling her as she felt released.

Rhetoric she went back in time, 15 years ago when she had got married, the sweet romance had ended the instant they were pronounced married.
She was just 19 at that time. As per the custom, she left the comfort of her parents’ home and started her new life at her new home.

Their honeymoon at Ooty was uneventful, except that she noticed how very much she was expected to meet every expectation.

It was a large family and Parvathy reconciled herself to assuming the responsibilities she was entrusted with.

She saw herself being drawn into conforming with every little thing and everyone around her. Right from what she wore, to where she went and what she cooked had to meet the approval from the immediate and the extended family as well.

From then one life had become one long journey of fake smiles, drudgery in the kitchen, and the rues of a normal domestic life. She would long for the brief respite that she got during weekends.

The twins were born one year post their marriage and were quite grown up now.

Parvathy still looked radiant and attractive with her flawless complexion, well rounded hips and a figure that would make any man or even a woman gawk at her.

This lone vacation had come to her as an answer to her craving of spending time by herself. Her husband had taken the twins to his brother’s house for the summer vacation and for the first time in her life she had managed to get away from the banal humdrum of her life.

She had made her choices. 

In that moment all that Parvathy felt was a wave of relief and the succor of standing up for herself and her needs.

The expectation meeting conformist had switched off and to everyone’s dismay, Parvathy metamorphosed  into a lady who now affirmed and stood up tall for herself.

Standing up for yourself, is easier said than done. An event or an incident may act as a catalyst in bringing about the turnaround.

Being a conformist, probably makes you like-able

Indeed there are several instances where I conform, just to make the other person happy, more so if it is loved one. There are times, I tell myself, there isn’t any other way, there are times when I don't conform.

What I realize is  - "A happier you surpasses a “like-able you”.

Do share your views.


  1. Wow... A mix of traditional and modern outlook... Could connect to the struggle that an Indian Woman goes through between right and wrong, good and bad, new and old.... Her needs and others....


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