The Sheikh's Son

The Vasans household was abuzz with activity. In truth it was Meera who was quite busy hustling around in preparation for the guest who was to arrive. Siddharth was to arrive in two days and the house was in a mess. Shravan( her son) had exams and Rangan (her husband)was inundated with work from his office.

The Raman’s were all excited. Their son was all set to land in India and stay at their closest friends home for a while. The Vasans and the Ramans had not met in two decades. But the bond of friendship remained quite strong.
Meera meanwhile finished with all her chores and started to sip her evening tea with the morning newspaper! Oh yes with her schedule, even sipping tea was a luxury, it was mostly gulping down food, water and anything edible before she could get to the next task at hand.

She travelled back in time, reminiscing some of her fond memories that both the families had spent together. Siddharth was then just a sweet little toddler who called her “maami”! Now a young man of 24 years! She thought about how he and Shravan had played numerous games as children and how much trouble they caused to the girls in the block.
She was smiling when the shrill ring of the telephone shook her right out of her reverie. It was Siddharth. He had landed in Bangalore 2 days early! Calling in just to check if “anybody home”!!  To say Meera was stunned is an understatement. She had planned a lovely dinner with her best buddy and now she would have to call that off in the last minute. Of course she could not be rude to Siddharth and so she told him she was delighted to have him at home and he could come in home right from the airport.

Ahem !and Meera trotted back to her laboratory to dish up dinner and called her best buddy to re schedule their dinner date.
Siddharth arrived with noise and din, lugging up about 4 big bags! Meera wondered if he intended to stay at her home forever.

Dinner was uneventful, the only highlight being there were no leftovers. Meera got chatting with Siddarth and understood that  he was on the lookout for employment in Bangalore. He also mentioned that he would move to a paying guest accommodation very soon.

The little while, that Sid was staying over, started to get longer and longer. The excitement of having a guest was soon turning into the weariness of when would he leave?

Meera had horror stories everyday . No leftovers suddenly was a nightmare, since that meant cooking thrice a day!! Slept in beds, cushions lying around, extra  laundry to be done, television hijack, newspaper not folded, unwashed coffee cups left around, another extra member to be taken into account for outings, co-ordination for the house keys. Sid was not even courteous to clean up after his dinner, bath anything at all. Borrowing clothes from Shravan, money from Rangan.  Goodness gracious the list was endless.

He seemed to expect service that he would get from his supercilious pampering mother! Meera was feeling smashed at the tumultuous routine that had got built up since the arrival of Sid. She was forced to break from her walks, her precious “me time”, her part time work and so much more.
2 weeks later unable to bear the guest with his disgraceful ways, she gently asked him, when he planned to move out to his accommodation? Sid only said yes aunty, I intend to go out over the weekend with my friend and he will take me around looking for places to stay.

Horrified, No mortified is what she felt, Two weeks had passed there was not even an inclination to look out for his accommodation.

Further conversation with him revealed that in truth the multi  millionaire’s son from the Land of Oil and Gold, did not have enough finances to support himself at Bangalore.

Meera was quite at a loss and flowed with silence being the best answer.
A few more days and Meera felt stifled at her own home, seemed to her like she did not belong there anymore.

Subtle hints gave way to open talk and conversation, that gave way to discussions on why you cannot impose yourself as a house guest onto any family. But some skins are thicker than just talk and hints. Meera took the situation upon herself to resolve.

Gave Sid an ultimatum and told him to find his footing by the end of the week .
Finally D day arrived and Sid had confirmed that he would leave before noon. He stepped out in the morning. Noon and evening passed, yet there was no sign of him. Phone remained switched off too.  Jangled nerves as her companion, Meera went through the days routine and with no sign of him, even at 10.00pm, she and Rangan decided to wait till the next morning before they intimated his parents.

A little past midnight the doorbell rang and it was Siddarth, standing there saying – HIYA Aunty!!  He revealed that he had partied all day with his friends and had made no attempt at looking for  PG or moving out!!

The next day Meera handed over his stuff, all packed and his lunch too and wished him luck in finding his place. Looking bewildered he took his bags and went out! Finally!

Influx of relief and Meera was ecstatic to get back to her life and routine. The last few weeks had indeed taken a toll on her. Strange how a person can knock you off guard and make you feel intruded in the comfort of your own home.

One week on – Sid calls in again to check if he could stay over with the Rangans for a few days, since he was uncomfortable with the modest Paying Guest accommodation he had.

This time around, Meera  refused and said that it would not be possible for her to commit to being the host yet again.

The relationship with the Ramans, now seemed to be going down the precipice and somehow this seemed like the right thing to happen. The extended hospitality over the extended duration seemed forgotten and the sense of “ you did not meet my expectation or care for my son” is what came through.

Meera sighed, from the realization that sometimes life twists and turns itself, creating a plot and paving the way for the what is the best for you.


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