Spirit of Holi!!

I had the opportunity to experience 'Holi" yesterday. 

The thought of being drenched in colours and water does not appeal to the grown up me! Am not really someone who enjoys Holi . 

However the maternal instinct in me wanted the children to enjoy and experience the merriment.

When I heard about a Holi celebration being planned at their skating rink, I was also excited.

Well prepared with old towels, spare clothes for the kids, pichkaaris and few colors for the kids to play with, we set off to the rink and rushed the kids in to play;).

The plan was to be a bystander and watch the fun. The riot of colour at the venue and the joy in everyone's face was priceless.

I was happy to be an observer, passing comments and giggling away with a soul connect, when out of the blue, I felt myself being serenaded, by a blast of colour and tons of water!! 

OMG!! I did not want to play and I thought everyone knew that!! 

The spirit of Holi is once you are dunked, you are in the game. Period.

There is no space for being guarded, restricted, ego, nothing at all. You also just become a child and give into your instincts and keep finding people that you want to see coloured!! Another learning at letting go and just surrendering yourself to whatever was happening around me and enjoying it despite having resisted it earlier.

It certainly was enjoyable to see the children and their child like adults, play in pure abandon and it was amusing to let yourself get spoilt with the colours and the water and all so called "yucky" stuff that you probably never do!!

HAPPY HOLI, enjoy it while you can...


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