Angels everywhere

I was brought up with my fair share of fairy tales. I believed in the angel from Cinderella and in prince charming from Sleeping Beauty, the dwarfs from snow white and more.

I considered angels to be true and they gave me hope and made my childhood simple, cheerful and pleasant.

Somehow as we grow up, the sense of reality is so deeply ingrained in us, that we forget that there could be angels watching over us. We miss the simple pleasures of life in the complaints that we have rather than seeing the beauty around us.

It was a Friday morning. My mind was relaxed as it did feel like"Thank God It is Friday".

The morning overdose of work was complete, my playful sons aged 4 and 6 were ready and good to go to the bus stand to board the school van.

7.30 am : Off went the factory siren, that indicated it was time for the school van. We set out after the loud and happy byes to "ajji" and "thatha".

The pick up point for the bus is about a 3 minute walk away and as we were close to reaching the bus stand, I saw the girl that I meet everyday..frantically gesturing to me. It took me a minute to understand what she was trying to to tell me from afar.

To my horror I realized she was indicating that the van had left.

It was complete panic as the children had to be dropped off at school and yet I had to reach office within the next 20 mins for an important meeting, that I could not skip.

The working mother's reflex machine turned on and whilst walking back home I gestured to my father in law,for the car keys.

I called my brother whose children board at the next stop and told him to "hold" the van while I revved up the engine with the children.

With a calm resolve, the car was taken out and, we managed to catch up with the school van in just a few minutes after missing it.

I come home smiling, much to the amusement of hubby dear, who incidentally has never missed a van or ever been late for a meeting!!

I told him, I was happy about the angels around me. He looked confused. I did have a bit of explaining to do.

The girl who gestured was someone I met everyday at the bus stop, and we would speak for a few minutes. Mostly her van arrived before ours did.

She had walked up further to alert me about the van having left, so I saved precious time in walking up and even waiting there, wondering why the van was late.

My father in law who was waiting right outside the gate and rushed in to get my car keys yet again saving a few  moments.

My brother who literally did "hold" the van for a couple of minutes!

We missed the van, yes of course. But I did comprehend that there were guardian angels all around me, watching over me, protecting me. You may not see or know that they exist, but when you need them they appear in different forms and look after you...

As I started driving to office for the meeting, I said a silent thank you and went back to the several instances where I was protected by an angel..

During a tough exam, I asked to pass and I did.
When I lost something precious, I always found it.
When I needed to cry, a friend was there.
When I needed a hug, a loved one came by.
When I met with an accident, but escaped with just a few bruises.
When I was low, there was always a reason to pick myself up and go along.

i could think of myriad such instances and even more the number of times, that an angel watched over and covered up for me.

I love these people, for they have no wings, nor a halo around them, they don't fly nor are they dainty, but they exist and they are my loved ones and take forms of friends, acquaintances, partners, spouse, parents, relatives or a stranger too.

I also conceive that the attitude of blame and complaints does distance me from my angels. However gratitude and love take me closer and they become more persistent in their appearance to me.

I think the angels may not really respond when you call them, but if you ever needed them they have been there, in silence with their handiwork making things better for you.


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