What If ?
We are brought up in the rut of "consequential living"
or fearful living as I would like to call it..
Perhaps it is only natural that
"fear" is what drives every activity of our life. Most of us do stuff
- For example- take up a job for the fear of not having anything else to do, not having
enough money, to meet expectations of society/parental pressure etc etc
How many times do we get to see someone who,
has the courage to follow their dream? Even if you do, in all
probability they have a "strong financial backing already"!
Look at some of these
You are sick, unable to focus on work , But your mind is thinking
- Cannot take off, what if my boss thinks I am faking it, I am on leave
next week as well.
At a mall, mother yelling at her unruly son, Stop that Sharath.
Sharath - What if I don’t stop amma?
Amma - I will not buy you that chocolate or the toy you have
been wanting.
Father - Look at the dismal way this boy is studying, What if you do not score well,
how will you get a job and prosper? ( getting a good job = Prosperous, Else -
I am pregnant, I am happy! the other side - what if my appraisal is ruined this year?
What will the family think of me if I stop wearing sarees and wear something contemporary for the wedding I would be attending?
I hate wearing jewelry, but at my wedding I have to look like "Walking, Talking LULU Gold Palace" what if the world thinks my father is not well to do.
Pre wedding shoot, post wedding shoots, during the wedding poses of the "perfect moments", I focus at the cameraman and his lens more than rituals, what if the pictures are awkward?
I don't like crowds, but I go for parties, what if my friends stop calling me?
My spouse speaks in a way that humiliates me, I cannot say anything, what if she/he gets offended? How often can we be candid about our emotions and express them, without the fear of being judged?
I have to send my children abroad to study, what if I cannot guarantee A SECURE LIFE for them?!!
Photoshop is my best friend, for it makes me look pretty, what if my friends think I am ugly and do not hit "like" on my face book page!?
I love to eat ice creams and pizza, yet I refrain, what if I become fat?!!
We need to make property, else how else will we
secure our future? (read the children's, grand children, great grand children's
I see that this fear manifests in every aspect of our lives, yet
we seem to take pride on our routine and busy schedules. More often than not
these schedules provide fodder to our fears and keep our true emotions boxed
The list is endless, add the "phobias" to our
fears and then the truth is that a majority of people, are happy to be at
Status Quo rather than take any risks at all.
The fear of everything overrides the only actual fear - that of
death. We continue to live like we are eternal, rare in giving and loving,
harping about the petty things and dwelling on the unpleasant or living in mere
aspiration, while the present appears to flit away...
Our "What If" strategy stifles our thoughts, actions, feelings,
achievements, joy, love and so much more.
Ever thought about - "What If" there were no tomorrow - Have you done all that you wanted to do? Are you done giving all the love that you wanted to give, but never did?
Are you complete with what you have carved out of your life and relationships?
I find myself guilty of giving in to "what if" several times.
There are the far and
few moments when the rebel in me awakens that is when I have had my
moments of glory and pride.
This time, though no thoughts on "what if" my blog does not appeal to everyone!
Till next time,
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