The Queen!

My son asked me "Amma" why dont you paint the nails on your hands?

A seemingly innocent question, the answer not so easy!

Truth is and believe me when I say- that it is maintenance free!! How? do you wonder?! Logic in my head says, if I paint my nails, thanks to all the house work, it would chip off in a few days and I may not really have the luxury of doing them again. I would rather be seen without nail polish than with chipped nail paint!

Same logic applies to painting toes in light colors so they look neat and clean for a couple of weeks atleast!😒

The lady at the parlor squints when my friend says - Don't touch the upper lips, shabby eyebrows are ok, but I cannot be caught with that little mustache that grows off the edges of my lips!😳

Most of us are the queens of our lives. The loving princess perfect to her father, the heroine of her children, the queens who occupy centre stage in the world of our spouses.

If the princess darling of our lives the "Maid does not turn up" we are the washing queens with that mega haul of utensils that sit in the kitchen talking to us and staring us beckoning us to pay attention to get them gleaming all over again.

When the washing machine or the "washerman/woman" twerk their noses at us, the pile of laundry hollers from every corner of the house, with grim reminders to consider them urgent and turn them out to dry.

My dreams of living in a large luxurious home are generally interrupted with the desire to be "practical" and live in a compact home that would be easier to clean, when my dependable help decides to become undependable as a regular feature!🙌

My husband feels every time he says he does not need lunch he can see hear and feel that inner joy! Reality it converts into one less task on thinking what would be an "acceptable" lunch for the kids and the husband and self. Of course not to forget the extra ten minutes of snooze granted to you by the queen herself!😀

Texting in the loo, catching up with your girlfriend while driving (headphones of course), waking up 20 minutes early to catch a few moments and a cuppa to yourself, the next me time you know is atleast 24 hours away. Vices that we are all prone too.

Talking to the world about your children, announcing that you are studying for middle school and primary schools exams and hence a call or a meeting in the evenings is a definite "No Show". 

Taking conference calls on mute because at that moment is when the children decide to noisily bicker!

Making Gillette Venus your best friend in replacement of the salon, preparing the next days snack whilst cooking dinner, laying out the work wear for the morning, cleaning the bathroom when the kids are showering, ironing uniforms to last an entire week Ahem!

Standardizing toothbrush colors for the children, buying socks in the same color for yourself so you dont have to look for a pair.

There is madness and mayhem, blanking out, zoning out, missing keys, missing the most important item on the to do list is all too common. Mixing up clothes, medicines, homework I hear quite often.  

Online groceries, clothes that dry fast, wearing the apron over that little black dress to finish up with the chores just before a girls night out.

Superwoman. Wears her crown with grace and elan .The Queen of Sheeba, Cleopatra, Rani, Reina, Mallika, Regina! The Queen of Hearts, The Queen of Multi Tasking, Queen of disaster management, Queen of Resourcefulness, Drama Queen, Scatter Brain Queen. Heroine to the children, Queens of glamour and the Queens of the hearts.

Superwoman - eminence to you. Tag another superwoman who inspires you.


  1. Excellent !!! Could relate to most of it....

  2. Another wow Blogpost Sumana... Could relate to almost all of it but best being the nailpaint saga..

  3. I can completely relate with... I was taking pride in being this super busy woman... Now, I am choosing to slow down...


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