The Noodley Life!

Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, Ebay, clueless about the number of providers who are responsible for turning us into a generation of Instant Karma.

A much sought after dress, toy, mobile and just about everything that is "wanted" is available in an instant.

Just like how you can make a cuppa noodles to appease your hunger, in this world you have split second gratification for all that you crave for.

You surf google guru for every small requirement. Google Chechi as I call her directs us,  we have stopped talking to our neighbors/ friends to check for the best restaurant nearby, instead google auto types - restaurants near me!

The Fire TV Stick has enabled on TV several of the old gems that were dear to us (children from the 80's). Swami from Malgudi days is on Amazon Prime. My boys (7,9 & 40+) were addicted and I was delighted. 

Perhaps a tad too early. I found the 7 & 9 year old squabbling since one had watched 15 minutes more while the other was in the bathroom. My delight changed to anguish at being the war breaker between them. 

My son asked me "Amma how could you wait for a whole week to watch just one episode?" 

The reality of the instant world we live punched me on my face. 

We not only waited a whole week, but finished all our chores and homework and if there was a power cut, we learned to live with the disappointment of not getting to see what we missed. Probably as a generation we are stronger and have more strength of character due to our ability to handle downfalls and take failure in our stride. Even if we could not take it in our stride we developed the ability to pick ourselves up every time we fumbled.

In retrospect this created in us several values of appreciating what we had, made us patient, helped us motivate ourselves and sort of even have a goal that we would work on with fortitude.

I have been spectator to manifold show of tantrums for instant gratification adults and children alike. 

I enjoyed visiting a book store, rummaging through the shelves and reading a wee bit here and there, looking and feeling the pages and books. Many a time meeting another bookworm who would say a kind word or two.

I looked forward to library days where I would be surrounded by a galore of books and I would spend time wondering which one to borrow, reading bits & pieces and the review on the back cove.  

I liked the fact that I decided whether or not I liked reading the book based on my opinion and not the hundreds or reviews that I saw online.Now I see a hundred book suggestions/reviews every time I am online, which is practically all day.

We are spoilt for choice in this World. Making cards for Birthdays of friends is passe. The effort is not even required. You log onto an e-tailer and you can have the gift delivered in a few hours with "gift wrapping".

Archaic, but the handwritten cards on hand made papers with crude drawings and expression of love for a lifetime is something we would cherish.

The photograph you take, you can see instantly. Missing is the family tea gathering after the wedding/event to see the pictures and peals of laughter at awkward poses and expressions. These real situations have now been replaced with a lifeless "emoji" most of which need explanation to a layman like me.

Life is INSTANT! The awkward expression is corrected, the candid pose is still picture perfect, the imperfections can be amended, effects can be added and you can look like or become a celebrity in an instant.

Anything that you need, a ticket, a drink, groceries, books, apparel, is all just one click away. A dish that you crave for is also available at your doorstep.

How then do you practice or learn the meaning of patience, or the value of waiting for something that you have been craving for.

Even love in this world seems instant. Dating apps make a partner available on the spot and hell, you even have help in building your profile and taglines on these apps.

The next generation is being treated treated to an extravagance of everything instant. Are we getting used to it too?!

Instant Noodles, Instant Gratification, Move on, Fast Track generation, and of course comes with it the man made Instant Karma.

Looks like the day when you can order instant karma like a bunch of flowers and have it delivered at a doorstep is not too far away!


  1. How true!! And well said!!
    How I wish we could switch off from this virtual world for a day or two and find some peace of mind!

  2. Awesomely written su... I bet every 70,s and 80,s born have this nostalgia in them.. I want to travel back to time where we had 36 shots in a camera role

  3. So very true. I have often had similar thoughts. Bang on.

  4. So beautifully scripted, awesomely authored Sumana, memories rewired. Keep writing. All the best.


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