If trigonometry made you go in circles and Algebra made you feel like alphabets were  your worst enemies in mathematics....

Did the 26 characters waltz around you to your tune when you looked at them in grammar and made you feel like a super star when the marks were announced.

If you had the logic and reasoning to fare well in the subjects that seemed to love you, more than the ones that you loved. I suppose you are part of the rare breed who appear intelligent and can understand a lot of stuff, yet would struggle with the simplest in such subjects.

On the other hand

Do you remember yourself as being the "Teachers Pet" beaming in appreciation while everyone around you applauded you for being the super star!!

I revere these people, who certainly helped me motivate & push myself to do better all the time. Am sure we all have those ultra brainy friends who have no compulsion to study yet they are the scholars in class always raising the bar and scoring the coveted highest marks too.


Were you on the other side with the brightest of ideas or being the best in sports yet not making a positive impact in stereotype lesson learning and marks scoring?

I recall the story of the ugly duckling who was shunned until the duckling turned into a beautiful swan. That is probably the first story of the "misfits" as classified by the society that we got introduced to.

As I grow older, I find myself withdrawing into my shell, hesitant before I trust people, choosy about who I spend time with, selective about folks that I call as friends. I see myself being fastidious in the leisure activities that I like to indulge in.

I grasp now that it has always been about trying to "fit in" in the myriad groups of people.

I may have never been the genius in class who made it to the top every time, but I did blossom as I grew older. Although Mathematics is not my best friend, I understand that leading entrepreneurs, speaking in public is my innate strength. Marketing is a breeze and my natural abilities flow among other capabilities too.

I see a few of my colleagues who probably were classified as the dim wits in class, today shine and excel as businessmen. I see around me the "dim wit" branded geniuses, whom I tend to adore and idolize. I know of a data analyst who can churn out the most brilliant advertisements and compose melodies.

I spot these ODDBALLS as the flexible and adaptable folks who are sensitive to people around them and maybe just a little bit more humane than the rest of us normal people.

I sense the depth of knowledge when I see them code like a prodigy, see them build planes and drones, compete in rallies, crack Sudoku like it was child's play, watch them come up with inventive solutions to the most complex predicaments.

It is the same people that I have seen struggle with languages, maths or in simple things like balancing a cycle.

Society has a lot of names and descriptions for these individuals. Weirdos, Freaks, Introverts, Reticent, Intimidating, Non congruent, shy, bashful, uncommunicative, secretive and more.

Being a mother, it is a constant strife between asking your children to confirm to the norms of normal and draw parity between being mid-ground or NORMAL VS DEFYING NORMAL.

If you were to judge an elephant by its ability to be agile and a cheetah in its competence to mow down a tree, you would cease to see the existing fortitude in both.

I find myself surrounded by geniuses, my children who speak such super intelligent stuff that I do not even comprehend, yet I pretend to understand. (probably am still trying to fit in!!)

We are beset by others who seem to have several solutions to business concerns that I face despite the fact that they may not even speak fluently, by my maid who has some very out of the box solutions to  domestic chores.

Cognizance to the oddballs, the introverts, the dim wits, the reticent individuals. I think its far easier to be a performer who is

The nerds, the weirdos, the eccentrics, the loners, the lost , the forgotten, I have seen that you are the guys who have the most beautiful souls.

I see that the obsession to perfection in all that you do can take you to your vision. I see that others may not really see you or the talent in you.

Mediocrity in academics is certainly acceptable, however eminence in  your sphere is certain to get you the credit that you deserve.

To the ODDBALLS, "fit in" is passe, strive for excellence in what you are passionate about.

To the rest of the world, just let them be, Encourage them and please put an embargo on "Stereotyping the odd ones.


  1. As an "oddball" myself I can identify with so many things you have to say. Thank you Sumana for standing up for "US"

    1. :) happy to note! intend to find time to create more such blogs!

  2. Sumo I was never a maths wizard always found myself stars on my head whenever I had solve problems I easily relate. But was very gud in other subjects as in history and biology was my favs. Yes I do relate a lot of things you mentioned but really schools were lit more enjoyable as compared to present life. Congrats u brought back few nostalgic moments of my school days.

  3. It's really awesome the way you have described what mist of us felt in school and college. Over time we become more selective with what we share with people around us because of our past experiences.. Kudoos to you to express so well...

  4. Suchitra
    BTW the above Comment was entered by me :)


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