Tables Turned

Narayan my cousin wanted to go on a vacation – I found myself stating that he had to visit “ ABC Homestay” at Sakleshpur, he would indeed miss so much if he didn’t go there

Ganesh my nephew wanted to know what specialization to opt for – and I told him how much he should take the one that is most lucrative and not the subject that he is interested in

Naina was upset – I gave her a sermon on how she could manage herself better and create the life she wanted, minus the melodrama

Papa wanted to know how he could reduce his mobile bills, and I decided what plan he should take

Mom wanted to vent out on what happened with her colleagues I barged in with my judgments about the people who work with her and how she should and should not interact with them

Deepika – well, I made her resume, and told her that was one she had to use, since I knew her better than anyone else including herself (of  course that helped and she got her dream job)

Hubby dearest wanted new shoes for himself and I took him to my favourite shoe store with an entire rack of 6ft by 2 ft dedicated to mens shoes. Of course the rest of the store had the designer womens collection – On Sale.

Rani my maid looks ill and unwell I tell her what medicine she should be taking

Suggested 10,000 do’s and don’t’s to a friend trying for a baby. Alright I am exaggerating, but yes the list was quite BIG!

I told Rekha how to manage her in laws, Shruthi how to cope with her husband, Meghana how to deal with her boss, Vinayak on a fitness regime, Suparna on managing her children and how she must add in sports in their schedule blah blah blah, 

Smitha a dear friend in a dilemma on going for the second child, I say that Two is best (I have two myself, you see)

Right now, as I recall all of this and more, I have this huge halo around my head and am feeling like I am walking in the skies. Wondering what people around me would do without me and feeling exalted at being a giver. Being the focal point of reference and feeling uplifted. Heady and light, life could not have been better or yet more fulfilling.

I am engrossed and light headed reveling in the attention. My reverie comes to an end. It felt like this beautiful ornate lit chandelier that came crashing down 10 feet from the ceiling with a deafening sound.  An object of beauty destroyed .

Except that the sound was actually a sudden bawl from my mother on why I didn’t apply for the job she asked me to, why I changed the tailor, why I bought such expensive shoes  and on and on and on. 

That was when the tables turned and reality dawned upon me that I GET BACK what I give and that is “Unsolicited Advice”. -  IN ABUNDANCE!

It made me realize that I do not enjoy or like unsolicited advice, then why really do I enjoy giving such advice?

Do people tell you that you are giving unsolicited advice, or do they just remain polite? 

What do you do when you are compelled to do something or not do something just because a friend, a spouse or a family member told you so? If you wanted a beach holiday and went on a pilgrimage, would you have enjoyed or liked it? Maybe not, since the person on the other side may not really know what you want while giving you "unsolicited advice". Yet there are times when you just do what you have been told to.

Click like if you have ever given or received unsolicited advice!


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