Hero or Victim ?!!
Confident, Savvy, Steadfast, focused, Inspiring, Go Getter, are a few words that my colleagues and friends use to describe me! Well even Nametests seems to have a few of them right!!! A few years ago, I decided to take the big leap away from the ultra cushiony MNC job and then the Foreign Government job. Traded all of that for the high of entrepreneurship! In the initial stages the going was tough. Multiple months down the line, the initial euphoria gave way to conflicts, dreariness, arguments, fall outs, self doubt, a lot of blame and whining. I made myself a victim, felt low and let that emanate into all the spheres and relationships of my life too! Probably at that time, none of the positive adjectives mentioned even existed in my persona! There's many a time that Life hands out raw oranges to us. In the course of one's journey, we may have been pelted such or even worse rotten oranges from various angles, jobs, bosses, partners, peers, parents, a random client or even a ...